Children's Director: Steven Etchison
Lake Butler, Florida
Service Times
Sunday Morning: 8:45 AM and 11:00 AM
Sunday School: 10:00 AM
Kingdom Quest: Wednesday 6:00 PM
Bible Study: Wednesday: 7:00 PM
Robert "Bob" Brown, PhD, Pastor

Growing up in southern Ohio, Pastor Bob was saved at the age of nine and surrendered to the ministry at sixteen. He has served in various positions including youth and children's ministries, teaching ministries, and in both established and mission churches. He received a B.A. from Welch College, a Master of Arts degree from Randall University, and a PhD from Trinity Theological Seminary.
Bob has been in ministry full time since 1992, previously serving with the United States Air Force. He met his wife, Ann Marie, while studying at Welch, and they have two children and two grandchildren. They were also blessed to raise four of Bob's nieces and nephews.
In addition to church and state ministries, Bob enjoys collecting early Free Will Baptist (Free Baptist) books, pamphlets, pictures, and writings. He also enjoys motorcycling, antique automobiles, and camping.
Harmony FWB Church

Since its beginning in 1912, the Harmony Free Will Baptist Church saw many changes under the leadership of Rev. E. L. St. Claire. The first services were held in the J.S. Howard Commissary at Dukes. The formal organization of the church was on February 21, 1913. There were 18 Charter Members.
The Church met in Miller Schoolhouse (which stood on the north side of the present church grounds) until a building could be provided. All the male members of the church were appointed to the building committee, and by April 1913, land was purchased for the construction of the property and by November of the same year the building was completed and paid for.
As years have come and gone, the buildings have changed and grown but the story of Harmony Free Will Baptist Church has remained one of faith, patience, and progress. The dedicated men and women who lead this church have shown cooperation, loyalty and liberality. They avail the future with confidence that the challenges shall be met with the same energy and resolve with which problems and challenges of the past were met.